Sunday, January 27, 2013

I Got A Secret

Alice and I went to a fashion shoot yesterday. It's for a friend's shop, so I can only post a few pics here.

One more under the cut! :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dear Resin BJD Wig Review I

Part Two posted! See it here.


Hello 2013! As usual, things are pretty busy around here on my end. Aside from my day job, I'm also a bit swamped with commissions. Thank you guys! :)

Anyway, let's talk about one of my favorite BJD items: wigs. I love them! I don't have that much, but between two dolls, I own eight wigs - two for Axis, five for Alice, and an unclaimed "experiment" fur wig. Wigs can easily change the whole look of the doll - even without changing their face-up. I distinctly  remember the feeling of awe when I first changed Alice's wig from a long straight wig to a wavy wig. It was like having a whole new doll!

As a little project for my blog, I'll be doing a series of wig review posts on all the wigs I own. I hope you find my posts informative. :)

An opening photo just because. XD

Warning: Pic heavy post!